2000-2007 Copyright © all contents pure-u a family company providing powerful magnetic products



We hope you find this section helpful in answering any questions you may have. if we can assist you with a question not listed here please email support@pure-u.com or call customer services.

Question: Why Buy from PURE-U ?


Continuous investment, development, design & innovation in our products

Question:  Are Magnets Safe ?

Answer: Yes
Magnets are non-Invasive. Magnetic theory is completely safe except during pregnancy -
anyone fitted with a pacemaker. People who use voltage machinery and not to be worn by children
under the age of seven

Question:  What is Gauss ?

Gauss is the unit of measure the Indicates the strength of the magnet.The Higher the gauss
the greater the magnetic field extends .

Question:  How Immediate Is the effect ?

Some of our customer have reported back within hrs, the majority of people report some relief
within a couple of weeks a small few may take longer.

Question:  What is the life of a magnet ?

In most cases magnets last around 10 years or more depending if the magnet has demagnatized
or placed next to demagnetized force

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