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The MAGNETIC field attracts and repels charged particles in the blood creating movements and heat.This process causes the blood vessels to dilate, increasing circulation, thus accelerating the natural healing process.

The MAGNETIC field also creates a slight electrical current.This electrical current stimulates the nervous system, this may triggering a blockage of pain sensations

Is used as non-medical treatment to help relieve pain and increase the body's natural healing process for faster recovery. It is believe that magnets, when applied to the injured area, improve blood flow and oxygen levels thus reducing inflammation and enhancing the body's natural healing process.

It is also suggested that the magnetic field may block pain signals to the brain. There have been recent breakthroughs in studies using magnetic therapy. In November of 1997 a study was conducted at Baylor College of Medicine. Due to the favorable results, this study was published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

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